sexta-feira, 21 de agosto de 2015

Valdor tank hunter WIP Pt2

So, after the base hull and sides were done, I began work on the barrell. I've 3D printed the gun mantlet, which was basically a cylinder with a beveled end with radial holes around the beveled edge.

After puttying and sanding the mantlet, I've started the barrell construction. using different measures of styrene tubing, I've started to assemble the barrell cowls using a photo of the model as reference. Protip - Before selecting your barrel diameters, MAKE SURE they are telescopic, ie, the inner diameter of the next caliber matches the outer diameter of the previous one.
Obviously I didn't do that and ended up needing to fill the gaps between the barrels with more putty.

The small braces around the barrel were made by using semi circular styrene cut and glued around the barrel. This was made by gluing one end with superglue, waiting for it to dry and then placing more glue on the rest of the length of the brace and wrapping it around the barrel. The excess brace was cut when it met the other end of the brace. After drying, you can fill and sand the intersection to garantee a smooth join.

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